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Discover The Spine Tingling Creations Of This Indie Studio

Immerse Yourself in the Horror of Chillas Art's Games

Discover the Spine-Tingling Creations of This Indie Studio

Journey into the chilling world of Chillas Art, a Japanese indie game studio that has garnered a reputation for crafting immersive and atmospheric horror experiences. Led by two brothers, this small studio has released a string of acclaimed games that explore the darkest corners of human emotion and fear.

Prepare yourself for an upcoming deep dive into the haunted hallways and eerie landscapes of Chillas Art's horror masterpieces. From the chilling "The Closing Shift" to the unsettling "Last Day in School," each game transports players into a world of dread and suspense. We'll delve into the unique storytelling techniques and unsettling visuals that make Chillas Art's games so captivating.

Uncover the Secrets of the Closing Shift

In "The Closing Shift," players take on the role of a young woman working the last shift at a convenience store. As darkness descends, she encounters a series of strange and disturbing events that test her sanity. Explore the depths of terror as we uncover the sinister secrets lurking behind the store's façade.
